Now a days its a big headache ,how to show the income source to the immigration .In most cases, if the applicant are not able to provide the proof of income ,no matter how strong your application is, it will be refused .You have to prove them how your sponsor could arrange your money while you are studying overseas .So , start organizing your required document to prove your sponsors source of income. Here is few tips you can follow-
1. If your sponsor is a businessman: Try to collect "purchase invoice" ,"sales cash memo" for last 6 months, as many-as better .Keep on mind the profit of that business has to be twice than your living+study cost in a particular time slot.
2. If your sponsor is a service holder : Try to collect document of proof that he/she receiving salary every month from his company for last one year.
3. If your sponsor is a retired service holder ,you can show pension money as a source of income
4. If your sponsor has land you can show "income from crops" or "land-lease money"(best for pakistani students as you can make fake doc easily smile emoticon )
5. If your sponsor has house/flat you can show "income from house rent"
6. Remember, you can show as many source as your sponsor has .just make sure your are providing reasonable evidence to prove your statement.
7. Maximum 5 person could be sponsor for 1 applicant.
8. Prove them by documents that your sponsor/s has double income than what you need for your study and living .
For example , if you are applying for 1 year course and your total estimated expenses will be 20 lac PKR , prove them your sponsor/s has a income of minimum 40 lac PKR per year.
Everything will go so smoothly you cant even imagine as soon as you have clear sponsor support .If you/your sponsor are tight on the budget, i suggest, try multiple sponsor providing multiple source of income ..
Best of luck. like emoticon
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