Sunday, 23 August 2015

SOP writing guideline

Statement of purpose 

1. Start with a motivation paragraph

2. Then add your bio data and educational background
3. Add job experience detail
4. Then create a situation that led you persue higher Education and study abroad in this situation you will discuss answer the question Why not Pakistan 
5. Then bring forth reasons for choosing Australia 
6. Detaild description of proposed study program with explanation of Why your Chosen institution
7. Your graduate profile and prispects of utilization of your studies in Pakistan( This is most Important part) ... Mske every effort to prove that you know where would you stand after your studies and how would you benefit your country with your qualification...
8. Add your future plans reflecting your close ties with homeland and your intention to return to home country
9.detail your financial situation 
10. Commit to abide by Immigration Laws
11. Wrap up with a convincing request to consider you on priority
12. Name and signature
13. Write with or without headings
14.Use reasonable size if paragraphs 70 words aprriximately
15. Do not copy paste
16. Your English and Grammer should be flawless but keep your IELTS score in mind and write according to that level
17. Write 800-900 words maximum( Idealy 3 pages)

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